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retail politics “零售式”競選活動〔指競選者四處活動,開會、講演和接觸選...


If the process is telescoped down to barely three weeks , there will be no chance for momentum to build up , and probably a good deal less of the “ retail politics ” that is a refreshing contrast to slick television advertising 如果這一過程縮短至僅僅三周的時間,這種動力將很難建立,可能也不會有的大量的“零售政治”活動(候選人四處游說、爭取選票的一種活動,帶有自我推銷和做秀的色彩,譯者注) ,它和老套的電視廣告相比起來更為受人歡迎。

Any solution needs to strike a balance between two laudable but incompatible aims : keeping the intimacy of small - state retail politics and letting the huge numbers of people who live in the big states have a say 任何解決方案都需要公平的處理兩個值得贊許,卻又不可調和的目標:保持較小的州“零售政治”的親民性,又使得生活在較大州的大量民眾有表達的機會。